OT2.2 PoWER METHODOLOGY (Platform version)
The PoWER Methodology is a set of coordinated and integrated actions, tested within the project implementation on Energy issue, aimed at facilitating, in the framework of the scenario building process, the relationship between decision makers, enterprises and researchers in order to build innovation supply chains related to any thematic issue and challenge within port areas and areas to be regenerated, as means to foster their evolution into Innovation Hubs.
Phase 1
Needs mapping
This first phase consists in gathering and analysing different ports’ needs in relation to a specific challenge. This phase is connected to the early engagement of innovation actors, and for this reason, it is the most sensitive phase of the overall innovation process, since its success strongly relies on the effective interest that promoters are able to mobilize, from the beginning, in relation to specific challenges. Therefore, it is of crucial relevance that the Innovation Supply Chains actors agree to take part to the mapping activities, by sharing information needed for nurturing the successive phases.
Data Gathering
Phase 2
Ideas & Solutions Scouting
The second phase aims at finding innovative solutions and ideas addressing the detected needs and at matching them in order to activate the first operational framework of the Innovation Supply Chain; it foresees three different and integrated activities: Call for Solutions (C4S), Gaming Sessions (GS) and Matchmaking (MM).
Call for Solutions
Gaming Sessions
Phase 3
Scenarios Foresight
Foresight is a trans-disciplinary activity belonging to the so-called Future Studies, i.e. studies based on the prediction and analysis of future horizons, able to examine the long-term impact of policies and technologies and to anticipate emerging social challenges (Di Pasquale et al., 2015). The scenarios foresight method adopted by PoWER as the third step of its methodology aims at preparing the ground for future actions to be taken in order to renovate the port areas according to their needs, thus turning them into Innovation Hubs.
Preparing the Ground
Horizon Scanning
Local Thematic Scenarios
Local Strategic Outlooks
Creation of the Innovation Hubs Network
PoWER Protocol
Local Agreements
Local Protocols