Venue Address
Hotel Sheraton
Polgar Andraša 1,
Novi Sad 21000
PoWER public event
It’s almost time for PoWER’s second public event and the Consortium is thrilled!
The event will take place on Tuesday 5th November 2019 and will be hosted by the project partner FEP.
During the morning, two panels of experts will be called upon to discuss relevant topics, such as how to strengthen the alliance between Adrion seaports and Danube river ports through a common roadmap, as well as how to accelerate the transformation of sea and river ports into territorial Innovation Hubs.
During the afternoon, instead, panellist – as representatives of the demand-side of Adriatic-Ionian and Danube ports’ innovation – will be invited to meet the offer side, i.e. the authors of the solutions and ideas addressing ports’ needs gathered through project activities, thus creating new connections and, possibly, cooperation chances.
During the day, a pitching session will be dedicated to the Gaming Sessions winners, where students who have participated in the piloting activity will have the chance to introduce their innovative business idea to international experts.
The participation in the event is open.